Find Information reported to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia.
In compliance with Circular 031 of 2021, Banco Davivienda makes available to its shareholders and investors the chapter on Dual Materiality (Impact Materiality and Financial Materiality), SASB indicators, the Task Force for Climate Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) Report. Additionally, the SASB indicators report and the alignment to TCFD by Fiduciaria Davivienda are made available. These contents will be presented for approval at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting to be held on March 20, 2025 at 10:00 am.
Banco Davivienda makes available to its shareholders and investors the Management Report (Year End Report) as of December 31, 2024, which will be presented for approval at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting to be held on Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. (see attached).
The Board of Directors approved the project for the distribution of profits and appropriation of reserves, to be submitted to the consideration of the General Shareholders' Meeting to be held on March 20, 2025. See Annex.
Shareholders are reminded that the measures regarding the rights, obligations and equitable treatment of shareholders are published on the Davivienda website. Attached is the "Guide to Shareholder Rights and Obligations" (See annex).
Today, the call to the ordinary meeting of the General Shareholders' Meeting of Banco Davivienda S.A., to be held on March 20, 2025, at 10:00 a.m., in person, was published today in the newspaper La República. It is hereby stated for the record that all the processes and authorizations necessary to carry out the call have been completed (See attached).
Banco Davivienda announces its results for the fourth quarter of 2024.
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs the market that its subsidiary company Inversiones CFD S.A.S., whose sole shareholder is Corporación Financiera Davivienda S.A., within the ordinary course of its business, constituted today the company RENTING DAVIVIENDA S.A.S.
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs the market that today it increased its indirect equity investment in Davivienda Investment Advisor USA LLC (RIA).
In accordance with the provisions of External Circular 028 of 2014 of the SFC, Banco Davivienda informs that it has transmitted the Country Code Implementation Report for the year 2024, with the file number 1647629, which may be consulted at
In today's session, the Board of Directors approved calling an ordinary meeting of the General Assembly of Shareholders for March 20, 2025, at 10 in the morning. The location of the meeting will be informed in the call.
Following Davivienda's announcement of the agreement to integrate Scotiabank's operations in Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama, the closing of which is subject to the corresponding regulatory and corporate authorizations, Moody's ratified Banco Davivienda's global scale rating (Baa3) and outlook (negative), Moody's ratified Banco Davivienda's global scale rating (Baa3) and outlook (negative).
Following Davivienda's announcement of the agreement to integrate Scotiabank's operations in Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama, the closing of which is subject to the corresponding regulatory and corporate authorizations, Moody's affirmed Banco Davivienda's global scale rating (Baa3) and outlook (negative).
Following Davivienda's announcement of the agreement to integrate Scotiabank's operations in Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama, the closing of which is subject to the corresponding regulatory and corporate authorizations, S&P ratified Banco Davivienda's global scale rating (BB+) and outlook (negative).
Following Davivienda's announcement of the agreement to integrate Scotiabank's operations in Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama, the closing of which is subject to the corresponding regulatory and corporate authorizations, Fitch affirmed Banco Davivienda's global scale rating (BB+) and outlook (stable).
Banco Davivienda S.A. hereby informs the market that today, January 6, 2025, its Board of Directors approved the execution of an agreement with Scotiabank Canada (the Bank of Nova Scotia) to integrate Scotiabank's operations in Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama into Davivienda. The implementation of the agreement is subject to, among others, the approvals of the supervisors of each jurisdiction and the respective corporate authorizations.
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs that, with the prior authorization of its Board of Directors, on January 6, 2025, it has entered into an agreement with Scotiabank Canada (the Bank of Nova Scotia) to integrate Scotiabank's operations in Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama into Davivienda. Under the agreement, Scotiabank's global expertise will remain as a shareholder of Davivienda. The implementation of the agreement is subject to, among others, the approvals of the supervisors in each of the jurisdictions and the respective corporate authorizations.
Fitch Ratings affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating at BB+ and revised the Outlook to stable from negative.
Banco Davivienda announces its results for the third quarter of 2024
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs that, prior authorization of the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia and the Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero de El Salvador (SSF), on November 1, 2024 it completed a direct capital investment in the company Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A. for an amount of USD $450,330,000, through the subscription of shares issued by the latter (See Annex).
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs that it has signed an agreement with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), in its capacity as investor, for the subscription of Ordinary Biodiversity Bonds in the Colombian capital market, whose issue will be placed in the Second Market for an amount of COP $210,550,000,000.
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs the automatic registration of the Ordinary Bonds of Biodiversity in the National Registry of Securities and Issues, as well as the authorization of public offering of the same in the Second Market. The addressees of the offer will be the Qualified Investors interested in the issuance.
The Board of Directors of Banco Davivienda, approved the issuance and public offering of the Ordinary Biodiversity Bonds, for an amount of COP $210,550,000,000, to be offered in the Second Market, and whose recipients will be Qualified Investors. The aforementioned issuance is subject to the approval of the SFC.
Banco Davivienda informs that its subsidiary, Inversiones CFD S.A.S., whose sole shareholder is Corporación Financiera Davivienda S.A., as part of its ordinary course of business, acquired 100% of the shares of EPAYCO.COM S.A.S.
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs that, prior authorization from the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia and the Comisión Nacional de Bancos y Seguros de Honduras (CNBS), on September 30, 2024, it increased its capital investment in Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A. for an approximate value of USD $44,298,960, through the subscription of shares issued by the latter (See Annex).
The Board of Directors of Banco Davivienda S.A. approved the increase of the direct and indirect capital investment in Banco Davivienda Honduras S.A., through the capitalization of the profit reserves from previous years (See Annex).
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs that, prior authorization from the Financial Superintendence of Colombia and the National Banking and Insurance Commission of Honduras (CNBS), on August 27, 2024, it made a capital investment in the company Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A. for an approximate value of USD$56,472,720, through the subscription of shares issued by the latter (See Annex).
Banco Davivienda announces its results for the second quarter of 2024.
The international rating disclosed on July 18th, 2024 is attached in Spanish: "S&P affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating at BB+, Negative Outlook."
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs that, prior authorization from the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia and the Comisión Nacional de Bancos y Seguros de Honduras (CNBS), on July 26, 2024 it made a capital investment in the company Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A. for an approximate amount of USD$243,982,440, through the subscription of shares issued by the latter (See Annex).
S&P Global Ratings affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating at BB+, Negative Outlook.
The international rating disclosed on July 9, 2024 is attached in Spanish: "Moody's published Banco Davivienda's credit rating report which affirmed the Long-Term Deposit Rating at Baa3, Negative Outlook."
Banco Davivienda's credit rating report which affirmed the Long-Term Deposit Rating at Baa3, Negative Outlook.
BRC Ratings - S&P Global S.A. SCV discloses the technical document of the periodic review of Banco Davivienda S. A.
Moody's affirmed Banco Davivienda's Long-Term Deposit Rating at Baa3 and revised its Outlook to Negative upon the change on the Sovereign Rating Outlook.
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs that director Ana Milena López Rocha has resigned as of today from her position as principal member of the Board of Directors of this entity. The aforementioned resignation will be submitted to the Bank's General Shareholders' Meeting. Once her replacement is appointed, she will be informed in due course.
BRC Ratings S&P Global S.A. SCV affirmed Banco Davivienda's AAA and BRC 1+ ratings under periodic review.
Banco Davivienda announces the execution of a new collective bargaining agreement 2024 -2027. See Annex.
Banco Davivienda reports the execution of new collective bargaining agreements 2024 -2027 and the signing of new Collective Bargaining Agreement 2024- 2027. See Annex.
Banco Davivienda informs that, through Resolution No. 0999 of May 17, 2024, the Financial Superintendency of Colombia resolved the appeal filed against Resolution No. 0701 of May 19, 2023 and imposed a pecuniary sanction of $396,000,000 to the Bank for non-compliance with Law 2009 of 2019. See annex.
Banco Davivienda announces its results for the first quarter of 2024.
Banco Davivienda reports the final value of the capital investment in the company Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A. (See Annex).
At today's meeting, the General Shareholders' Meeting approved the Bank's annual report for the year 2023, which includes (i) management report, (ii) sustainability report, (iii) corporate governance report, and (iv) year-end report.
Today Banco Davivienda communicates the decisions adopted at the General Shareholders' Meeting (See Annex).
Davivienda informs that after the subscription and payment of the first issuance of common shares and shares with preferred dividend and without voting rights under the 2024 Share Issuance and Placement Program, the Bank's subscribed and paid-in capital increased to $87,780,674,340 and outstanding shares to 487,670,413, as follows: 371,069,401 common shares and 116,601,012 preferred shares.
Banco Davivienda informs the shareholder composition once the process of the first issuance of common shares and shares with preferred dividend and without voting rights against the global quota of the 2024 Share Issuance and Placement Program has been completed. See Annex
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs that, prior authorization from the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia and the Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras de Costa Rica (SUGEF), on March 12, 2024, it made a capital investment in the company Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A. for an approximate value of USD$500 million, through the subscription of shares issued by the latter (See Annex).
Davivienda informs that today the public offerings of the issues under the global quota of the 2024 Share Issuance and Placement Program were successfully completed, through the placement of 36 million shares, equivalent to COP 720,000 million, divided into (i) 27,392,472 Common Shares for a value of COP 547,849,440. 000.00, with a demand of 28,357,751 Common Shares (1.04 times the Common Shares offered), and (ii) 8,607,528 Preferred Dividend Shares without Voting Rights (the ¿Preferred Shares¿) for COP 172,150,560,000.00 with a demand of 13,722,546 Preferred Shares (1.6 times the Preferred Shares offered).
In compliance with Circular 031 of 2021, Banco Davivienda makes available to its shareholders and investors the chapter referring to Double Materiality, Impact Materiality and Financial Materiality), the SASB indicators, the Task Force for Climate Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) Report. ). Additionally, the report of SASB indicators and the alignment to TCFD by Fiduciaria Davivienda is made available. These contents will be presented for approval at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting to be held on March 19, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
Banco Davivienda informs the market of the addition of new Placement Agents within the first issuance of Shares with Preferential Dividend and without Voting Rights charged to the global quota of the Share Issuance and Placement Program. See Annex.
Shareholders are reminded that the measures regarding the rights, obligations and equitable treatment of shareholders are published on the Davivienda website. Attached is the "Guide to Shareholder Rights and Obligations" (See annex).
Today, the call to the ordinary meeting of the General Assembly of Shareholders was published in the newspaper La República, which will be held on March 19, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., in person. It is recorded that all the necessary processes and authorizations have been provided to carry out the call. (See Annex)
Banco Davivienda makes available to its shareholders and investors the Management Report (Year-End Report) as of December 31, 2023, which will be presented for approval at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting to be held on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (See Annex).
The Board of Directors approved a project for the distribution of profits and appropriation of reserves, to be submitted to the consideration of the General Assembly of Shareholders (see annex).
Banco Davivienda announces its results for the fourth quarter of 2023.
Davivienda informs the publication today, February 19, 2023, in the newspaper La República, of the Public Offer Notice of 27,392,472 Ordinary Shares of the first issuance of Ordinary Shares charged to the global quota of the Issuance and Placement Program of actions. (See Annex).
Davivienda informs the publication today, February 19, 2023, in the newspaper La República, of the Public Offer Notice of 8,607,528 Shares with Preferential Dividend and without Voting Rights of the first issuance of Shares with Preferential Dividend and without Right to I vote against the global quota of the Share Issuance and Placement Program. (See Annex).
Information prospectus corresponding to the issue and placement program of ordinary shares and shares with preferred dividend and no voting right of banco davivienda 2024 (see attachment)
Information prospectus corresponding to the issue and placement program of ordinary shares and shares with preferred dividend and no voting right of banco davivienda 2024 (see attachment)
The international rating disclosed on February 1, 2024 is attached in Spanish: "S&P Global Ratings maintained the International Rating of Banco Davivienda at BB+, Negative Outlook."
In today's session, the Board of Directors approved: (i) the regulations for the placement of Preferred Shares within the Issuance and Placement Program for the first issuance of 8,607,528 Preferred Shares charged to the global quota of the Program, and (ii) the regulations for the placement of Ordinary Shares within the Issuance and Placement Program for the first issuance of 27,392,472 Ordinary Shares charged to the global quota of the Program. These regulations will be presented to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia for approval. See Annex
Banco Davivienda communicates the decisions adopted at the extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly of Shareholders on February 7, 2024. (see attachment)
S&P Global Ratings affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating at BB+, Negative Outlook.
Shareholders are reminded that references to the rights, obligations and equitable treatment of shareholders are published on the Davivienda website. Attached is the "Guide to Shareholder Rights and Obligations" (see attachment)
The call to the extraordinary meeting of the General Shareholders' Meeting to be held on February 7, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., in person, was published today in the newspaper La República. It is hereby stated for the record that all the processes and authorizations necessary to carry out the call have been completed (See attachment).
In today's session, the Board of Directors approved calling an ordinary meeting of the General Assembly of Shareholders for February 07, 2024, at 10 in the morning. The location of the meeting will be informed in the call.
In accordance with the provisions of External Circular 028 of 2014 of the SFC, Banco Davivienda informs that it has transmitted the Country Code Implementation Report for the year 2023, with the file number 439652, which may be consulted at
In today's session, the Board of Directors approved calling an ordinary meeting of the General Assembly of Shareholders for March 19, 2024, at 10 in the morning. The location of the meeting will be informed in the call.
Banco Davivienda S.A. announces changes in its Senior Management (See Annex).
Fitch Ratings affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating at BB+ and revised the Outlook to negative
An addendum to the Prospectus is attached.
Previously authorized by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia and under the terms approved by its Board of Directors, Banco Davivienda S.A. constituted the company Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A., domiciled in Panama. Likewise, prior authorization from the aforementioned Superintendency and the Superintendency of Banks of Panama, the Bank made a capital investment in the company Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A. for an approximate value of USD$385 million, through the subscription of shares issued by the latter (See Annex).
Banco Davivienda announces its results for the third quarter of 2023.
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs that the Market Maker service contract in Chile with Larrain Vial Brokerage Firm has been terminated due to the expiration of the term agreed by the parties. See attachment.
Once the pertinent authorizations were obtained, Banco Davivienda S.A. increased its direct investment in Banco Davivienda Honduras, S.A., through the subscription of new shares in Banco Davivienda Honduras, S.A.
An addendum to the Prospectus is attached.
The Board of Directors of Banco Davivienda S.A., as part of a corporate reorganization scheme, approved the incorporation and investment in the company Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A., domiciled in Panama. The aforementioned operation is subject to the approvals of the supervisors in Colombia and in the Central American countries where Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A. will have capital investments (see attachment).
Banco Davivienda announces its results for the second quarter of 2023.
Standard & Poor's affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating and Outlook in BB+, stable outlook.
BRC Investor Services confirmed the rating of long-term debt of AAA and of short-term debt of BRC 1+ of Banco Davivienda.
BRC Ratings - S&P Global S.A. discloses the technical document supporting the long-term and short-term debt ratings of Banco Davivienda S.A.
BRC Ratings - S&P Global S.A. in its periodic review affirmed Banco Davivienda S. A.'s AAA long-term debt and BRC 1+ short-term debt ratings.
BRC Ratings - S&P Global S.A. gave loss of effectiveness to the long-term ratings of two issuance and placement programs of Banco Davivienda S.A.'s Ordinary and Subordinated Bonds.
Moody's affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating and Outlook in Baa3
Today, Banco Davivienda S.A., capitalized its subsidiary Corporación Financiera Davivienda S.A. for the amount of COP$84,947,290,372. Banco Davivienda S.A., capitalized its subsidiary Banco Davivienda Internacional (Panamá) S.A. for the amount of USD$3,985,000, resources that will be used to capitalize Corporación Financiera Davivienda, as part of the plan foreseen for this purpose.
Banco Davivienda announces its results for the first quarter of 2023.
Moody's affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating and Outlook in Baa3, stable outlook; and downgraded the AT1 Subordinated Notes to B2 from B1. See Annex.
In compliance with SFC E.C. 004 of 2012, attached are the Consolidated Financial Statements of December 31, 2022, its notes, the Statutory Auditor's Opinion and the Certification of the Legal Representative and the Accountant. See Annex.
In compliance with SFC E.C. 004 of 2012, attached are the Separate Financial Statements as of December 31, 2022, its notes, the Statutory Auditor's Opinion and the Certification of the Legal Representative and the Accountant. See Annex.
In response to the recommendations of the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia, Banco Davivienda informs that it has retransmitted the Country Code Implementation Report for the year 2022, with the filing number 5519517
Banco Davivienda communicates the decisions adopted at the General Shareholders' Meeting held on March 21, 2023. (See attached).
Today, the General Shareholders' Meeting elected the firm KPMG SAS as Statutory Auditor for the period 2023-2025.
Today, the General Shareholders' Meeting decided to elect the Board of Directors for the period 2023-2025. It also approved the remuneration of the members for their performance.
At today's meeting, the General Shareholders' Meeting approved the Bank's annual report for the year 2022, which incorporates (i) management report, (ii) sustainability report, (iii) Corporate Governance Report, and (iv) year-end report.
Cash dividends will be paid in the amount of $1,010 per share, which will be paid on April 12, 2023 (50%) and September 13, 2023 (50%). The ex-dividend period will be from April 4 to April 11, 2023 and from September 7 to September 12, 2023.
At today's meeting, the General Shareholders' Meeting approved the profit distribution project and approved the proposal for the release of the existing unencumbered occasional reserve for bond coupon interest coverage and the creation of an occasional reserve for bond coupon interest coverage.
At today's meeting, the General Shareholders' Meeting approved the Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2022.
Davivienda makes available to its shareholders and investors the Management Report (Year End Report) as of December 31, 2022, which will be approved at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting to be held on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. (See Annex).
Davivienda makes available to its shareholders and investors the Management Report (Year End Report) as of December 31, 2022, which will be approved at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting to be held on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. (See Annex).
The Board of Directors approved the project for the distribution of profits and appropriation of reserves, to be submitted to the consideration of the General Shareholders' Meeting (see attached).
The call for the General Shareholders' Meeting to be held on March 21, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. in face-to-face mode, was published today in the newspaper El Tiempo (see attachment).
In compliance with the provisions of External Circular 028 of 2014 of the SFC, Banco Davivienda informs that it has transmitted the Country Code Implementation Report corresponding to the year 2022, with the filing number 5394370
The Board of Directors will meet to convene the ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders for March 21, 2023, at 10 in the morning. The place of the meeting will be informed in the call.
Fitch Ratings affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating and Outlook in BB+, stable outlook
Today we received notification of the authorization from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to register Davivienda Investment Advisor USA LLC, a subsidiary of Corredores Davivienda S.A., as an Investment Advisor under applicable federal regulations.
Fitch publishes the technical document that supports the long and short-term national ratings of Banco Davivienda S.A. and Grupo Bolívar.
Standard & Poor's affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating and Outlook in BB+, stable outlook
Once the pertinent authorizations were obtained, Banco Davivienda S.A. increased its indirect investment in Banco Davivienda Costa Rica S.A., through the capitalization of dividends received by Corporación Davivienda Costa Rica S.A.
Assigning AAA to Senior Bonds and AA to Subordinated Bonds issued under the COP 6.0 Trillion and COP 7.5 Trillion Programs. (See annex).
By Resolution No.0696 of June 14, 2022, the SFC authorized the operation (issued the authorization certificate) of Rappipay Compañia de Financiamiento S.A., a company in which Banco Davivienda has an indirect participation.
Banco Davivienda S.A. capitalized its subsidiary Banco Davivienda Internacional (Panamá) S.A. in the amount of USD $4,781,000, resources that will be used to capitalize Corporación Financiera Davivienda, as part of the plan foreseen for this purpose.
Today, Banco Davivienda S.A. capitalized its subsidiary Corporación Financiera Davivienda S.A. for the amount of COP $84,456,000,000.
Davivienda informs and clarifies that the value of the initial investment to be made, through Corredores Davivienda, to set up a corporate vehicle in the USA for the Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) license will be USD 2.1 million
Today, Banco Davivienda S.A. announced to the market the international issuance of senior debt instruments. The final amount of the issue and the rate will be subject to market conditions.
The Board of Directors of Banco Davivienda S.A. authorized the international issuance of senior debt instruments, for an amount of up to USD$750 million, subject to market conditions.
Davivienda informs that, through Corredores Davivienda (100% owner), a corporate vehicle (LLC) was established in the USA for the Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) license that will be requested. The initial investment will be USD 2.3 million.
In compliance with the C.E. 004 of 2012 of SFC, the Separate Financial Statements are attached as of December 31, 2021, their notes, the Opinion of the Statutory Auditor and the Certification of the Legal Representative and the Accountant (see annex).
In compliance with the C.E. 004 of 2012 of SFC, the Consolidated Financial Statements are attached as of December 31, 2021, their notes, the Opinion of the Statutory Auditor and the Certification of the Legal Representative and the Accountant (see annex).
The General Assembly of Shareholders accepted the resignation of Javier José Suárez Esparragoza and Daniel Cortés McAllister and approved the election of two new members to the Board of Directors for the period 2022-2023
Today, the General Assembly of Shareholders elected Dr. José Guillermo Peña González as Chief Financial Consumer Ombudsman and Andrés Augusto Garavito Colmenares as his alternate, for the period 2022 - 2024.
Today, the General Assembly of Shareholders approved the statutory reform, through which some adjustments were made to articles 32, 35 and 36 related to the elimination of alternates from the Board of Directors approved at the 2021 Assembly. Additionally, article 41 to clarify some functions of the Board of Directors
In today's session, the General Assembly of Shareholders approved the equity movements and reserve commitments in the terms of the attached file.
The payment of dividends in shares at a rate of $1,072 per share will be made 50% on April 6, 2022 and the other 50% on September 14, 2022. The ex-dividend period is from March 31 to April 5, 2022 and September 08 to 13, 2022.
In the session held today, the General Assembly of Shareholders approved the Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2021.
In today's session, the General Assembly of Shareholders approved the attached profit distribution project. (See Annex)
Shareholders are reminded that the measures referring to the rights, obligations and equitable treatment of shareholders are published on the Davivienda website. "Shareholder Rights and Obligations Guide" is attached (see attached).
The Board of Directors approved the profit distribution project, which will be put to the consideration of the shareholders at their ordinary meeting (see annex).
In the newspaper El Tiempo, the call to the General Assembly of Shareholders was published, which will be held on March 23, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. through mixed modality (face-to-face and virtual). (See Annex)
The Board of Directors will meet to convene the ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders for March 23, 2022, at 10 in the morning. The place of the meeting will be informed in the call.
The Board of Directors of Banco Davivienda S.A. approved the direct investment through the capitalization of profit reserves from previous years in Banco Davivienda Honduras S.A. (see annex).
In compliance with the provisions of External Circular 028 of 2014 of the SFC, Banco Davivienda informs that it has transmitted the Country Code Implementation Report corresponding to the year 2021.
Standard & Poor's affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating and Outlook in BB+, stable outlook.
Fitch affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating and Outlook in BB+, stable outlook.
Fitch publishes the technical document that supports the long and short-term national ratings of Banco Davivienda S.A. (Davivienda).
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs the retirement of Efraín Forero Fonseca and the appointment of the new President of the Bank.
Davivienda announces the retirement of Efrain Forero Fonseca and Javier Suarez Esparragoza is appointed as new CEO.
Davivienda informs that its Board of Directors approved indirect investment in a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) under the name of Davivienda Investment Advisor USA by Davivienda, through Corredores Davivienda S.A., who will be its 100% shareholder.
Fitch Ratings affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating at BB+ and revised the Outlook to stable from negative.
Banco Davivienda announces its results for the fourth quarter of 2024.
In accordance with the provisions of External Circular 028 of 2014 of the SFC, Banco Davivienda informs that it has transmitted the Country Code Implementation Report for the year 2024, with the file number 1647629, which may be consulted at
Banco Davivienda announces its results for the third quarter of 2024
Banco Davivienda announces its results for the second quarter of 2024.
Banco Davivienda announces its results for the first quarter of 2024.
Banco Davivienda announces its results for the fourth quarter of 2023.
In accordance with the provisions of External Circular 028 of 2014 of the SFC, Banco Davivienda informs that it has transmitted the Country Code Implementation Report for the year 2023, with the file number 439652, which may be consulted at
An addendum to the Prospectus is attached.
An addendum to the Prospectus is attached.
The Board of Directors of Banco Davivienda S.A., as part of a corporate reorganization scheme, approved the incorporation and investment in the company Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A., domiciled in Panama. The aforementioned operation is subject to the approvals of the supervisors in Colombia and in the Central American countries where Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A. will have capital investments (see attachment).
Banco Davivienda announces its results for the second quarter of 2023.
Today, Banco Davivienda S.A., capitalized its subsidiary Corporación Financiera Davivienda S.A. for the amount of COP$84,947,290,372. Banco Davivienda S.A., capitalized its subsidiary Banco Davivienda Internacional (Panamá) S.A. for the amount of USD$3,985,000, resources that will be used to capitalize Corporación Financiera Davivienda, as part of the plan foreseen for this purpose.
Banco Davivienda announces its results for the first quarter of 2023.
In compliance with SFC E.C. 004 of 2012, attached are the Consolidated Financial Statements of December 31, 2022, its notes, the Statutory Auditor's Opinion and the Certification of the Legal Representative and the Accountant. See Annex.
In compliance with SFC E.C. 004 of 2012, attached are the Separate Financial Statements as of December 31, 2022, its notes, the Statutory Auditor's Opinion and the Certification of the Legal Representative and the Accountant. See Annex.
In response to the recommendations of the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia, Banco Davivienda informs that it has retransmitted the Country Code Implementation Report for the year 2022, with the filing number 5519517
At today's meeting, the General Shareholders' Meeting approved the Bank's annual report for the year 2022, which incorporates (i) management report, (ii) sustainability report, (iii) Corporate Governance Report, and (iv) year-end report.
In compliance with the provisions of External Circular 028 of 2014 of the SFC, Banco Davivienda informs that it has transmitted the Country Code Implementation Report corresponding to the year 2022, with the filing number 5394370
By Resolution No.0696 of June 14, 2022, the SFC authorized the operation (issued the authorization certificate) of Rappipay Compañia de Financiamiento S.A., a company in which Banco Davivienda has an indirect participation.
Banco Davivienda S.A. capitalized its subsidiary Banco Davivienda Internacional (Panamá) S.A. in the amount of USD $4,781,000, resources that will be used to capitalize Corporación Financiera Davivienda, as part of the plan foreseen for this purpose.
Today, Banco Davivienda S.A. capitalized its subsidiary Corporación Financiera Davivienda S.A. for the amount of COP $84,456,000,000.
Davivienda informs and clarifies that the value of the initial investment to be made, through Corredores Davivienda, to set up a corporate vehicle in the USA for the Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) license will be USD 2.1 million
Today, Banco Davivienda S.A. announced to the market the international issuance of senior debt instruments. The final amount of the issue and the rate will be subject to market conditions.
Davivienda informs that, through Corredores Davivienda (100% owner), a corporate vehicle (LLC) was established in the USA for the Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) license that will be requested. The initial investment will be USD 2.3 million.
In compliance with the C.E. 004 of 2012 of SFC, the Separate Financial Statements are attached as of December 31, 2021, their notes, the Opinion of the Statutory Auditor and the Certification of the Legal Representative and the Accountant (see annex).
In compliance with the C.E. 004 of 2012 of SFC, the Consolidated Financial Statements are attached as of December 31, 2021, their notes, the Opinion of the Statutory Auditor and the Certification of the Legal Representative and the Accountant (see annex).
In compliance with the provisions of External Circular 028 of 2014 of the SFC, Banco Davivienda informs that it has transmitted the Country Code Implementation Report corresponding to the year 2021.
Fitch publishes the technical document that supports the long and short-term national ratings of Banco Davivienda S.A. (Davivienda).
Shareholders are reminded that the measures regarding the rights, obligations and equitable treatment of shareholders are published on the Davivienda website. Attached is the "Guide to Shareholder Rights and Obligations" (See annex).
Today, the call to the ordinary meeting of the General Shareholders' Meeting of Banco Davivienda S.A., to be held on March 20, 2025, at 10:00 a.m., in person, was published today in the newspaper La República. It is hereby stated for the record that all the processes and authorizations necessary to carry out the call have been completed (See attached).
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs the market that its subsidiary company Inversiones CFD S.A.S., whose sole shareholder is Corporación Financiera Davivienda S.A., within the ordinary course of its business, constituted today the company RENTING DAVIVIENDA S.A.S.
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs the market that today it increased its indirect equity investment in Davivienda Investment Advisor USA LLC (RIA).
Following Davivienda's announcement of the agreement to integrate Scotiabank's operations in Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama, the closing of which is subject to the corresponding regulatory and corporate authorizations, Moody's ratified Banco Davivienda's global scale rating (Baa3) and outlook (negative), Moody's ratified Banco Davivienda's global scale rating (Baa3) and outlook (negative).
Following Davivienda's announcement of the agreement to integrate Scotiabank's operations in Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama, the closing of which is subject to the corresponding regulatory and corporate authorizations, Moody's affirmed Banco Davivienda's global scale rating (Baa3) and outlook (negative).
Following Davivienda's announcement of the agreement to integrate Scotiabank's operations in Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama, the closing of which is subject to the corresponding regulatory and corporate authorizations, S&P ratified Banco Davivienda's global scale rating (BB+) and outlook (negative).
Following Davivienda's announcement of the agreement to integrate Scotiabank's operations in Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama, the closing of which is subject to the corresponding regulatory and corporate authorizations, Fitch affirmed Banco Davivienda's global scale rating (BB+) and outlook (stable).
Banco Davivienda S.A. hereby informs the market that today, January 6, 2025, its Board of Directors approved the execution of an agreement with Scotiabank Canada (the Bank of Nova Scotia) to integrate Scotiabank's operations in Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama into Davivienda. The implementation of the agreement is subject to, among others, the approvals of the supervisors of each jurisdiction and the respective corporate authorizations.
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs that, with the prior authorization of its Board of Directors, on January 6, 2025, it has entered into an agreement with Scotiabank Canada (the Bank of Nova Scotia) to integrate Scotiabank's operations in Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama into Davivienda. Under the agreement, Scotiabank's global expertise will remain as a shareholder of Davivienda. The implementation of the agreement is subject to, among others, the approvals of the supervisors in each of the jurisdictions and the respective corporate authorizations.
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs that, prior authorization of the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia and the Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero de El Salvador (SSF), on November 1, 2024 it completed a direct capital investment in the company Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A. for an amount of USD $450,330,000, through the subscription of shares issued by the latter (See Annex).
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs that it has signed an agreement with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), in its capacity as investor, for the subscription of Ordinary Biodiversity Bonds in the Colombian capital market, whose issue will be placed in the Second Market for an amount of COP $210,550,000,000.
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs the automatic registration of the Ordinary Bonds of Biodiversity in the National Registry of Securities and Issues, as well as the authorization of public offering of the same in the Second Market. The addressees of the offer will be the Qualified Investors interested in the issuance.
The Board of Directors of Banco Davivienda, approved the issuance and public offering of the Ordinary Biodiversity Bonds, for an amount of COP $210,550,000,000, to be offered in the Second Market, and whose recipients will be Qualified Investors. The aforementioned issuance is subject to the approval of the SFC.
Banco Davivienda informs that its subsidiary, Inversiones CFD S.A.S., whose sole shareholder is Corporación Financiera Davivienda S.A., as part of its ordinary course of business, acquired 100% of the shares of EPAYCO.COM S.A.S.
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs that, prior authorization from the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia and the Comisión Nacional de Bancos y Seguros de Honduras (CNBS), on September 30, 2024, it increased its capital investment in Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A. for an approximate value of USD $44,298,960, through the subscription of shares issued by the latter (See Annex).
The Board of Directors of Banco Davivienda S.A. approved the increase of the direct and indirect capital investment in Banco Davivienda Honduras S.A., through the capitalization of the profit reserves from previous years (See Annex).
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs that, prior authorization from the Financial Superintendence of Colombia and the National Banking and Insurance Commission of Honduras (CNBS), on August 27, 2024, it made a capital investment in the company Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A. for an approximate value of USD$56,472,720, through the subscription of shares issued by the latter (See Annex).
The international rating disclosed on July 18th, 2024 is attached in Spanish: "S&P affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating at BB+, Negative Outlook."
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs that, prior authorization from the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia and the Comisión Nacional de Bancos y Seguros de Honduras (CNBS), on July 26, 2024 it made a capital investment in the company Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A. for an approximate amount of USD$243,982,440, through the subscription of shares issued by the latter (See Annex).
S&P Global Ratings affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating at BB+, Negative Outlook.
The international rating disclosed on July 9, 2024 is attached in Spanish: "Moody's published Banco Davivienda's credit rating report which affirmed the Long-Term Deposit Rating at Baa3, Negative Outlook."
Banco Davivienda's credit rating report which affirmed the Long-Term Deposit Rating at Baa3, Negative Outlook.
BRC Ratings - S&P Global S.A. SCV discloses the technical document of the periodic review of Banco Davivienda S. A.
Moody's affirmed Banco Davivienda's Long-Term Deposit Rating at Baa3 and revised its Outlook to Negative upon the change on the Sovereign Rating Outlook.
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs that director Ana Milena López Rocha has resigned as of today from her position as principal member of the Board of Directors of this entity. The aforementioned resignation will be submitted to the Bank's General Shareholders' Meeting. Once her replacement is appointed, she will be informed in due course.
BRC Ratings S&P Global S.A. SCV affirmed Banco Davivienda's AAA and BRC 1+ ratings under periodic review.
Banco Davivienda announces the execution of a new collective bargaining agreement 2024 -2027. See Annex.
Banco Davivienda reports the execution of new collective bargaining agreements 2024 -2027 and the signing of new Collective Bargaining Agreement 2024- 2027. See Annex.
Banco Davivienda reports the final value of the capital investment in the company Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A. (See Annex).
Davivienda informs that after the subscription and payment of the first issuance of common shares and shares with preferred dividend and without voting rights under the 2024 Share Issuance and Placement Program, the Bank's subscribed and paid-in capital increased to $87,780,674,340 and outstanding shares to 487,670,413, as follows: 371,069,401 common shares and 116,601,012 preferred shares.
Banco Davivienda informs the shareholder composition once the process of the first issuance of common shares and shares with preferred dividend and without voting rights against the global quota of the 2024 Share Issuance and Placement Program has been completed. See Annex
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs that, prior authorization from the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia and the Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras de Costa Rica (SUGEF), on March 12, 2024, it made a capital investment in the company Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A. for an approximate value of USD$500 million, through the subscription of shares issued by the latter (See Annex).
Davivienda informs that today the public offerings of the issues under the global quota of the 2024 Share Issuance and Placement Program were successfully completed, through the placement of 36 million shares, equivalent to COP 720,000 million, divided into (i) 27,392,472 Common Shares for a value of COP 547,849,440. 000.00, with a demand of 28,357,751 Common Shares (1.04 times the Common Shares offered), and (ii) 8,607,528 Preferred Dividend Shares without Voting Rights (the ¿Preferred Shares¿) for COP 172,150,560,000.00 with a demand of 13,722,546 Preferred Shares (1.6 times the Preferred Shares offered).
Banco Davivienda informs the market of the addition of new Placement Agents within the first issuance of Shares with Preferential Dividend and without Voting Rights charged to the global quota of the Share Issuance and Placement Program. See Annex.
Shareholders are reminded that the measures regarding the rights, obligations and equitable treatment of shareholders are published on the Davivienda website. Attached is the "Guide to Shareholder Rights and Obligations" (See annex).
Today, the call to the ordinary meeting of the General Assembly of Shareholders was published in the newspaper La República, which will be held on March 19, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., in person. It is recorded that all the necessary processes and authorizations have been provided to carry out the call. (See Annex)
The Board of Directors approved a project for the distribution of profits and appropriation of reserves, to be submitted to the consideration of the General Assembly of Shareholders (see annex).
Davivienda informs the publication today, February 19, 2023, in the newspaper La República, of the Public Offer Notice of 27,392,472 Ordinary Shares of the first issuance of Ordinary Shares charged to the global quota of the Issuance and Placement Program of actions. (See Annex).
Davivienda informs the publication today, February 19, 2023, in the newspaper La República, of the Public Offer Notice of 8,607,528 Shares with Preferential Dividend and without Voting Rights of the first issuance of Shares with Preferential Dividend and without Right to I vote against the global quota of the Share Issuance and Placement Program. (See Annex).
Information prospectus corresponding to the issue and placement program of ordinary shares and shares with preferred dividend and no voting right of banco davivienda 2024 (see attachment)
Information prospectus corresponding to the issue and placement program of ordinary shares and shares with preferred dividend and no voting right of banco davivienda 2024 (see attachment)
The international rating disclosed on February 1, 2024 is attached in Spanish: "S&P Global Ratings maintained the International Rating of Banco Davivienda at BB+, Negative Outlook."
S&P Global Ratings affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating at BB+, Negative Outlook.
Shareholders are reminded that references to the rights, obligations and equitable treatment of shareholders are published on the Davivienda website. Attached is the "Guide to Shareholder Rights and Obligations" (see attachment)
The call to the extraordinary meeting of the General Shareholders' Meeting to be held on February 7, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., in person, was published today in the newspaper La República. It is hereby stated for the record that all the processes and authorizations necessary to carry out the call have been completed (See attachment).
Banco Davivienda S.A. announces changes in its Senior Management (See Annex).
Fitch Ratings affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating at BB+ and revised the Outlook to negative
Previously authorized by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia and under the terms approved by its Board of Directors, Banco Davivienda S.A. constituted the company Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A., domiciled in Panama. Likewise, prior authorization from the aforementioned Superintendency and the Superintendency of Banks of Panama, the Bank made a capital investment in the company Holding Davivienda Internacional S.A. for an approximate value of USD$385 million, through the subscription of shares issued by the latter (See Annex).
Banco Davivienda announces its results for the third quarter of 2023.
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs that the Market Maker service contract in Chile with Larrain Vial Brokerage Firm has been terminated due to the expiration of the term agreed by the parties. See attachment.
Once the pertinent authorizations were obtained, Banco Davivienda S.A. increased its direct investment in Banco Davivienda Honduras, S.A., through the subscription of new shares in Banco Davivienda Honduras, S.A.
Standard & Poor's affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating and Outlook in BB+, stable outlook.
BRC Investor Services confirmed the rating of long-term debt of AAA and of short-term debt of BRC 1+ of Banco Davivienda.
BRC Ratings - S&P Global S.A. discloses the technical document supporting the long-term and short-term debt ratings of Banco Davivienda S.A.
BRC Ratings - S&P Global S.A. in its periodic review affirmed Banco Davivienda S. A.'s AAA long-term debt and BRC 1+ short-term debt ratings.
BRC Ratings - S&P Global S.A. gave loss of effectiveness to the long-term ratings of two issuance and placement programs of Banco Davivienda S.A.'s Ordinary and Subordinated Bonds.
Moody's affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating and Outlook in Baa3
Moody's affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating and Outlook in Baa3, stable outlook; and downgraded the AT1 Subordinated Notes to B2 from B1. See Annex.
Davivienda makes available to its shareholders and investors the Management Report (Year End Report) as of December 31, 2022, which will be approved at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting to be held on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. (See Annex).
Davivienda makes available to its shareholders and investors the Management Report (Year End Report) as of December 31, 2022, which will be approved at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting to be held on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. (See Annex).
The Board of Directors approved the project for the distribution of profits and appropriation of reserves, to be submitted to the consideration of the General Shareholders' Meeting (see attached).
The call for the General Shareholders' Meeting to be held on March 21, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. in face-to-face mode, was published today in the newspaper El Tiempo (see attachment).
Fitch Ratings affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating and Outlook in BB+, stable outlook
Today we received notification of the authorization from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to register Davivienda Investment Advisor USA LLC, a subsidiary of Corredores Davivienda S.A., as an Investment Advisor under applicable federal regulations.
Fitch publishes the technical document that supports the long and short-term national ratings of Banco Davivienda S.A. and Grupo Bolívar.
Standard & Poor's affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating and Outlook in BB+, stable outlook
Once the pertinent authorizations were obtained, Banco Davivienda S.A. increased its indirect investment in Banco Davivienda Costa Rica S.A., through the capitalization of dividends received by Corporación Davivienda Costa Rica S.A.
Assigning AAA to Senior Bonds and AA to Subordinated Bonds issued under the COP 6.0 Trillion and COP 7.5 Trillion Programs. (See annex).
Shareholders are reminded that the measures referring to the rights, obligations and equitable treatment of shareholders are published on the Davivienda website. "Shareholder Rights and Obligations Guide" is attached (see attached).
In the newspaper El Tiempo, the call to the General Assembly of Shareholders was published, which will be held on March 23, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. through mixed modality (face-to-face and virtual). (See Annex)
Standard & Poor's affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating and Outlook in BB+, stable outlook.
Fitch affirmed Banco Davivienda's Issuer Credit Rating and Outlook in BB+, stable outlook.
Banco Davivienda S.A. informs the retirement of Efraín Forero Fonseca and the appointment of the new President of the Bank.
Davivienda announces the retirement of Efrain Forero Fonseca and Javier Suarez Esparragoza is appointed as new CEO.
Davivienda informs that its Board of Directors approved indirect investment in a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) under the name of Davivienda Investment Advisor USA by Davivienda, through Corredores Davivienda S.A., who will be its 100% shareholder.
In compliance with Circular 031 of 2021, Banco Davivienda makes available to its shareholders and investors the chapter on Dual Materiality (Impact Materiality and Financial Materiality), SASB indicators, the Task Force for Climate Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) Report. Additionally, the SASB indicators report and the alignment to TCFD by Fiduciaria Davivienda are made available. These contents will be presented for approval at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting to be held on March 20, 2025 at 10:00 am.
Banco Davivienda makes available to its shareholders and investors the Management Report (Year End Report) as of December 31, 2024, which will be presented for approval at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting to be held on Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. (see attached).
The Board of Directors approved the project for the distribution of profits and appropriation of reserves, to be submitted to the consideration of the General Shareholders' Meeting to be held on March 20, 2025. See Annex.
In today's session, the Board of Directors approved calling an ordinary meeting of the General Assembly of Shareholders for March 20, 2025, at 10 in the morning. The location of the meeting will be informed in the call.
Banco Davivienda informs that, through Resolution No. 0999 of May 17, 2024, the Financial Superintendency of Colombia resolved the appeal filed against Resolution No. 0701 of May 19, 2023 and imposed a pecuniary sanction of $396,000,000 to the Bank for non-compliance with Law 2009 of 2019. See annex.
At today's meeting, the General Shareholders' Meeting approved the Bank's annual report for the year 2023, which includes (i) management report, (ii) sustainability report, (iii) corporate governance report, and (iv) year-end report.
Today Banco Davivienda communicates the decisions adopted at the General Shareholders' Meeting (See Annex).
In compliance with Circular 031 of 2021, Banco Davivienda makes available to its shareholders and investors the chapter referring to Double Materiality, Impact Materiality and Financial Materiality), the SASB indicators, the Task Force for Climate Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) Report. ). Additionally, the report of SASB indicators and the alignment to TCFD by Fiduciaria Davivienda is made available. These contents will be presented for approval at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting to be held on March 19, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
Banco Davivienda makes available to its shareholders and investors the Management Report (Year-End Report) as of December 31, 2023, which will be presented for approval at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting to be held on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (See Annex).
In today's session, the Board of Directors approved: (i) the regulations for the placement of Preferred Shares within the Issuance and Placement Program for the first issuance of 8,607,528 Preferred Shares charged to the global quota of the Program, and (ii) the regulations for the placement of Ordinary Shares within the Issuance and Placement Program for the first issuance of 27,392,472 Ordinary Shares charged to the global quota of the Program. These regulations will be presented to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia for approval. See Annex
Banco Davivienda communicates the decisions adopted at the extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly of Shareholders on February 7, 2024. (see attachment)
In today's session, the Board of Directors approved calling an ordinary meeting of the General Assembly of Shareholders for February 07, 2024, at 10 in the morning. The location of the meeting will be informed in the call.
In today's session, the Board of Directors approved calling an ordinary meeting of the General Assembly of Shareholders for March 19, 2024, at 10 in the morning. The location of the meeting will be informed in the call.
Banco Davivienda communicates the decisions adopted at the General Shareholders' Meeting held on March 21, 2023. (See attached).
Today, the General Shareholders' Meeting elected the firm KPMG SAS as Statutory Auditor for the period 2023-2025.
Today, the General Shareholders' Meeting decided to elect the Board of Directors for the period 2023-2025. It also approved the remuneration of the members for their performance.
Cash dividends will be paid in the amount of $1,010 per share, which will be paid on April 12, 2023 (50%) and September 13, 2023 (50%). The ex-dividend period will be from April 4 to April 11, 2023 and from September 7 to September 12, 2023.
At today's meeting, the General Shareholders' Meeting approved the profit distribution project and approved the proposal for the release of the existing unencumbered occasional reserve for bond coupon interest coverage and the creation of an occasional reserve for bond coupon interest coverage.
At today's meeting, the General Shareholders' Meeting approved the Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2022.
The Board of Directors will meet to convene the ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders for March 21, 2023, at 10 in the morning. The place of the meeting will be informed in the call.
The Board of Directors of Banco Davivienda S.A. authorized the international issuance of senior debt instruments, for an amount of up to USD$750 million, subject to market conditions.
The General Assembly of Shareholders accepted the resignation of Javier José Suárez Esparragoza and Daniel Cortés McAllister and approved the election of two new members to the Board of Directors for the period 2022-2023
Today, the General Assembly of Shareholders elected Dr. José Guillermo Peña González as Chief Financial Consumer Ombudsman and Andrés Augusto Garavito Colmenares as his alternate, for the period 2022 - 2024.
Today, the General Assembly of Shareholders approved the statutory reform, through which some adjustments were made to articles 32, 35 and 36 related to the elimination of alternates from the Board of Directors approved at the 2021 Assembly. Additionally, article 41 to clarify some functions of the Board of Directors
In today's session, the General Assembly of Shareholders approved the equity movements and reserve commitments in the terms of the attached file.
The payment of dividends in shares at a rate of $1,072 per share will be made 50% on April 6, 2022 and the other 50% on September 14, 2022. The ex-dividend period is from March 31 to April 5, 2022 and September 08 to 13, 2022.
In the session held today, the General Assembly of Shareholders approved the Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2021.
In today's session, the General Assembly of Shareholders approved the attached profit distribution project. (See Annex)
The Board of Directors approved the profit distribution project, which will be put to the consideration of the shareholders at their ordinary meeting (see annex).
The Board of Directors will meet to convene the ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders for March 23, 2022, at 10 in the morning. The place of the meeting will be informed in the call.
The Board of Directors of Banco Davivienda S.A. approved the direct investment through the capitalization of profit reserves from previous years in Banco Davivienda Honduras S.A. (see annex).
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